Friday, April 11, 2014

Wake up Planet Earth!

Hear the words of the prophet Micah in Micah 1:2-4:

Listen, all you peoples;
pay attention, earth and everyone in it!
The Lord God will be a witness against you,
the Lord, from His holy temple.
3Look, the Lord is leaving His place
and coming down to trample
the heights of the earth.
4The mountains will melt beneath Him,
and the valleys will split apart,
like wax near a fire,
like water cascading down a mountainside.

This prophecy is soon to be fulfilled.  The people of the earth are approaching the condition of those of the days of Noah--every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually (Gen. 6:5).  And this condition is not only in "the world" to use church vernacular.  The sinful and evil thoughts of men are invading the church as well. 

What is more sinful than to say to God "your commands are too harsh, you must yield to our culture--we want you to accept us without repentance." And yet that is exactly what many in the church are saying.  Here's some examples:  "You must accept the fact that we  are living together without marriage--we still love you, but we will lose our child support, or pension, or whatever if we marry.  Understand and accept us."  Or: "you must accept that we can't remain married.  That vow we spoke in your presence, we just can't fulfill it.  After all, he isn't attentive to me, she doesn't fulfill my needs, I'M NOT HAPPY!!!  I need to go find someone who will complete me." Or: "you made me a homosexual.  You must accept that I will live out the lifestyle that I was created to be.  Why won't you accept that?"

Church, we must stand firm on the word of God.  In Revelation 2:15, speaking to the church at Pergamus, Jesus said this: So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which thing I hate.  I did some research and found that the doctrine of the Nicolaitans was simply the doctrine of compromise.  They lived in a wicked society and had allowed that wickedness to infiltrate the church.  Jesus said he hates that.

God is not a God of compromise.  He detests sin and rebellion--He gave His own life to redeem it.  Why, if he made that sacrifice would he accept unredeemed sin?  His grace is sufficient for all sin and all needs.  Church we must repent or we will melt like wax along with the rest of planet earth.

Now--what do you think?

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