The kingdom of heaven is like treasure, buried in a field, that a man found and reburied. Then in his joy he goes and sells everything he has and buys that field. Matt 13:44
I've read this verse probably 100 times. I always viewed as a call to commitment. Commit all you have and receive the kingdom of God with joy. I still believe that, but recently I was reading in the book of Daniel. Three times God sent angels to greet Daniel and tell him of end time events. Look at the salutation the angel used when greeting Daniel:
“Daniel, you are a man treasured by God." Daniel 10:10 (emphasis mine)
As I was meditating on these passages the Lord made it clear to me that the kingdom of God is His treasure, and we are the kingdom of God. God gave everything He had, He gave His pearl of great price, He searched until He found us, He swept his house clean and rejoiced with great joy when He found His lost coin. We are His treasure--when He looks at us, the redeemed, He rejoices and says:
I put it in all caps because I want it emphasized. You see, sin carries with it a load of guilt. It's good to have a conscience and feel bad when we have sinned or are contemplating sin, but guilt robs us of joy. Because Jesus has taken our guilt and made us in HIs image--the treasure of God!!!
Walk in it, oh treasure of God.